Free counseling services:

The Regina Perinatal Health Network (RPHN) is committed to creating easier access to treatment and support for women/birthing people in the community who are experiencing a Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorder (PMAD).
They offer free, virtual wellness sessions that are designed to offer private, professional and NON-CLINICAL social support for new parents experiencing a Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorder when they need it most.
Online Therapy Unit -The Wellbeing Course aims to provide free education and guidance on simple but effective cognitive behavioural techniques for managing depression and/or anxiety. The Course helps people with thoughts, behaviours, and physical symptoms of depression and anxiety.
All Wellbeing Courses below will help clients manage diverse emotions (e.g., anxiety, sadness, loneliness, anger, COVID-19 stress, agricultural stress). The Courses cover:
-how to monitor and recognize components of emotions (e.g., thoughts, behaviors and physical sensations)
-how to identify, explore and manage negative thoughts
-how to manage physical sensations related to emotions (e.g., deep breathing);
-how to manage unhelpful behaviours related to emotions (e.g., overcoming avoidance)
-how to maintain gains made through the course.
There are also many extra lessons available depending on client needs/interests and time: sleep, communication, assertiveness, problem solving, managing beliefs, mental skills, managing panic, PTSD, worry, grief, and pain
Wellbeing Course for Mental Health – OnlineTherapyUSER
Rapid Access Counselling offers rapid access to mental health services for individuals, couples, children, youth, and families. We can help with concerns such as anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, addictions, stress, relationship conflict, separation and divorce, domestic violence, and parenting. We are here to listen.
Sessions are available virtually (Zoom), by phone, and in-person at various locations with our community partners: Saskatoon Public Library, Evermore Centre, and OUTSaskatoon. All appointments can be booked online.
Mondays – 10:00 am to 5:00 pm - Evermore Centre, Family Service Saskatoon, Warman Primary Health Centre
Tuesdays – 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm – Family Service Saskatoon
Wednesdays – 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm – Family Service Saskatoon
Thursdays – 9:00 am to 5:00 pm – OUTSaskatoon and Family Service Saskatoon
Fridays – 10:00 am to 5:00 pm – Saskatoon Public Library (Frances Morrison and Alice Turner locations), Warman Primary Health Centre​
Programs - Family Service Saskatoon

Saskatoon in-person support groups:
-Coffee & Caregivers 9-10 @ Reclaim
-Motherhood YXE: 12-1 @ The Spot in Market Mall
-Mothering Circle: 9-11:30 @ The Saskatoon Family Center
-Because Having a Baby is Messy: 9-10 @ Reclaim
-Diverse Fatherhood: 5-6:30 @ The Saskatoon Family Center
-Baby Circle drop in support group: 9:30-11 @ West Winds Primary Health Center
Regina in-person support groups:
I Love You More Center
-a safe, accessible and supportive space where parents may come during the day for drop-in services and be with others in similar life phases.
Visit their website to see their in-person support groups:
Village Mamas YQR / Build A Village
-the mom in your back pocket, the friend that you can rely on to call when you need a hand putting your home back together after a hard week or help with managing your day to day routines.
Visit their website to view their services:
help is just a phone call away:
suicide & crisis lifeline: 9-8-8 (call or text 24/7)
saskatoon mobile crisis: 306-933-6200 (call 24/7)
postpartum support international: 800-944-4773 (call or text "help" 8am - 11pm est.)
healthline: 8-1-1 (call 24/7)
-811 provides a Maternal Wellness Program for people experiencing feelings of depression or anxiety after the birth of their baby or following miscarriage, stillbirth, or death of a newborn.
Birthing individuals can be referred to the Maternal Wellness Program by a local Public Health Nurse anywhere in the province. Once enrolled in the program, a mental health clinician will provide education, resources and support. The clinician will complete an assessment and provide ongoing telephone support.
​hope for wellness: 855-242-3310 (call 24/7)
-available to all Indigenous people across Canada. Experienced and culturally competent counsellors are reachable by telephone and online ‘chat’ - Home - Hope for Wellness Helpline